This article comes at a time it has become increasingly difficult to pay the sky high fees needed to pass through college/university. If you are a student in lack of funds you can still go through highereducation without taking up loans or stealing (funny?)
Having gone through financial difficulties while a student in a Nigeria University here are tips to keep you from experiencing the same problems. While this advice is not guaranteed to make you rich as a student, it can at least help you sustain yourself and provide basic needs while you pursue the over-rated degrees.
1. Learn A Skill: there are times when, as a student, you feel like knowing how to design a website, how to do graphics or even how to paint. These types of skills and many more can keep you out of bankruptcy (the student type) and get some change in your wallet.
1. Learn A Skill: there are times when, as a student, you feel like knowing how to design a website, how to do graphics or even how to paint. These types of skills and many more can keep you out of bankruptcy (the student type) and get some change in your wallet.
With a very good skill (like any of the three mentioned earlier) you can get small jobs on the side to keep body and soul together and pay your tuition and other university fees.
2. Identity Opportunities in and Around the University Community: it doesn’t pay to just get skilled in one thing or the other. Use your leisure and get free periods to hunt around the campus for people in need of services that you can offer.
One of my cousins, in his college days, was gifted in artwork (portraits, hand-craft). He simply created sample hand-crafted birthday cards and gave away to friends during their birthdays. Recognition came and friends began to pay him to have such cards done for them. He drew portraits and charged adequately for them. That was how he paid and fed his way through college. He is now a professional artist running his own studio but looking back he says he couldn’t have made it without those extra incomes.
One of my cousins, in his college days, was gifted in artwork (portraits, hand-craft). He simply created sample hand-crafted birthday cards and gave away to friends during their birthdays. Recognition came and friends began to pay him to have such cards done for them. He drew portraits and charged adequately for them. That was how he paid and fed his way through college. He is now a professional artist running his own studio but looking back he says he couldn’t have made it without those extra incomes.
Give Away Free Samples
The opium method of giving away free samples first is about the most effective way to get publicity your way. If you are good in what you do, several people will pay you regularly for your service or skill.
Remember, in a place like the college community, words of month can be most effective in helping you get more patronage.
Things you can do to Make Money While in School
The opium method of giving away free samples first is about the most effective way to get publicity your way. If you are good in what you do, several people will pay you regularly for your service or skill.
Remember, in a place like the college community, words of month can be most effective in helping you get more patronage.
Things you can do to Make Money While in School
1) Tutoring
2) Sell books
3) Make Shirts/Customized T-shirts
4) Create Paintings/artwork (cards, portraits) etc.
5) Save (10 Tips to Help You Save Money Better)
2) Sell books
3) Make Shirts/Customized T-shirts
4) Create Paintings/artwork (cards, portraits) etc.
5) Save (10 Tips to Help You Save Money Better)
6) Sell merchandises(who says you cant be like soyinka ;) )
7) If you good at hardware repairs stuffs, you can make good money from that..i gotta friend who makes a lotta income through repairs
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