Akinyemi Oluwatobi Dominion, newly appointed president of the department of Microbiology has said that Crawford University may not be the first or the best, but everything happens for a reason with God's permission. Find out more in this exclusive interview with Salami Victor of Crawford Students Press Club (CSPC).

Q: Good Evening Sir, please kindly introduce yourself?
A: Good Evening Sir. I am Akinyemi Oluwatobi Dominion
Q: Apparently, you are the new President of the MCB department, may I know how you got to attain that post. Did you participate in an election or you were just appointed?
A: Well, it wasn't really an election, the level - my level - of the department came together to select the excos and I was chosen to be the president by the Grace of GOD.
Q: Very well. So, do you have any plans you intend to implement to make the department better under your administration?
A: Hmmm...By GOD's Grace I hope to work successfully with the other excos, bringing in new ideas and scrutinizing them for the betterment of the department and even the school at large.
I believe that there are three major needs of the average student:
- Academic needs (our reason for being in school)
- Social Needs (No man is an island, we must socialize and have fun)
- Spiritual needs (The most important to guarantee a fun eternal life).
I believe that once you can attend to these needs adequately, creating the appropriate balance, then you can say, you have had a successful Administration.
Q: Ohh. Good. As one of the newest members of the SRC, do you feel you will be able to work hand in hand with all the other president's from the various departments for the betterment of the Crawford University Community?
A: Yes, GOD helping me, I should be able to work with the other presidents and contribute my quota to making CRU a better place for all the Students.
Q: So do you intend on introducing any new programmes for your department or for the school through the SRC?
A: Programmes? I can't say for now. But as time goes on, things will be unveiled by the Grace of GOD.
Q: Now let's get a bit personal. Is there any secret Crush or girlfriend that we don't know about?
A: Secret? Naah, there isn't.
Q: Does that mean that you have but it's no longer a secret?
A: Lol....nope I don't.
Q: Alright Sir. So do you have any words of encouragement for CRU students?
A: Hmmm..CRU..
CRU may not be the first or the best, but there is nothing that GOD permits without a reason. So let us pick what CRU has for us and touch as many lives as we can, let us do as is pleasing to the one who has brought us here, that is what matters most.
Thanks a lot for your time. It was nice talking to you. I wish you all the best in your administration.
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