Well, The Session is a semester and two months old already and with a whole host of events being anticipated by the students, it is expedient to highlight some students who actually call the shots in Crawford University.  These students are Charismatic and Well-Known in their respective ways, thus, the compiling of this list of the MOST INFLUENTIAL STUDENTS IN CRAWFORD UNIVERSITY FOR THIS 2016/2017 SESSION.

The List was compiled by the Crawford Students Press Club(CSPC) with criterion based on specific evaluation on Previous individual Performances, Popularity and Affiliations as well.

The list is as follows:

10. AKINBAMI ABAYOMI (IG: @yomiakinnola)
Currently the Vice President of the Business Administration Department, Yomi (fondly called) is a charming, outspoken, charismatic dark-skinned young Man with special delight in youth activism, student collectivism and all round integration for socio-cultural ends. Yomi is a 300 Level Student of Business Administration in the College of Business and Social Sciences of the university.

He is poised to become the next President of his department later this semester  and for those who do not know, Yomi is a Ladies Man and a Master Cook; Ladies, Take Note!!

Just like Yomi, Nathan (Fondly called TEE-Y) is a penultimate-year student of Geology as well as the President of TALIXIRS- A Talent Discovery Group on Campus. Tee-Y is a fresh dude, Fine young Man, light skinned and very dashing. He is a popular student on campus and highly influential!

As President of TALIXIRS, Tee-Y has been extremely promising and actively working to promote the discovery and effective exhibition of talents on campus. Formerly affiliated with SUCCESS CONNECT(Another group on campus), Tee-Y has served in several capabilities and as such garnered enough followership amongst his colleagues as well as students in the university across other levels.
Tee-Y is a talented cook just like Yomi, his colleague. 

8.  DIDEOLUWA AYANFE (IG: @_biyisax)
Ayanflex (his nickname) is a final year student of Political Science and International Relations and is the President of “Hearts Of Worship”, a Christian Worship Group on Campus. Ayanflex is a handsome dark-skinned young guy (very young) with leadership capabilities, effective interpersonal communication skills and a very good relationship with people.

He is a saxophonist, pianist, singer and Preacher on campus. With his stage name (@biyisax), Ayanflex has successfully ministered in different events and on several occasions in and out of the university environment.
Lastly, Ayanflex is a Prayer warrior and has been used by God to minister to quite a lot of people (students inclusive) ever since he became born again.


Josiah is a final year student of Physics and Electronics Department as well as the Coordinator of the Apostolic Faith Campus Fellowship in Crawford University. His leadership abilities, influential personality and enviable lifestyle definitely stands him out of the rest and also deems him fit for this 7th position on the list.

6. DAVID OJEDIRAN (IG: @ojedirandavid)
Popularly known as ATM, David is a final year Student of Banking and Finance as well as the former Vice-President of the Department. ATM, just like his name suggests, is a Baller!! He is a popular, capable and highly influential student especially amongst the male students in the university.  An average Crawford Student would definitely know who ATM is.

ATM holds the personal record of winning The Crawford La-Liga football competition back-to-back with his team in the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 session. He is a good footballer and passive non-conformist. Although largely and overtly egoistic, ATM surely deserves this spot on the list!

5. OLASEHINDE TIMOTHY (IG:@temitope_o)
Timothy is a master tactician, smart dude and highly intelligent individual in Crawford University.  Talking about his personality, He might not come off as a somewhat cool guy but virtually everybody can attest to Timothy’s enviable attributes as a Smart, young chap with a knack for intelligence. He reeks of genius in virtually anything he does! As a matter of fact, Timothy is wrongly adjudged to be a proud snob by few people (girls especially).

Timothy is a final year Economics student and is also The General Secretary of The Advocates (a Covert Group on Campus). Together with his teammates, Timothy was the Head of Committee for the 2016/2017 CSDAN Event which held in December last year.  Also, Timothy was part of the Organizing  Committee for the Sports Fiesta that held last year. Of course, The event shut down the school (Timothy was involved!).
Timothy is popularly regarded as the best Football Coach in CRAWFORD. 

4. EBUKA MOH GOTFRIED (IG: @gottfried_Moh)

We call him Moh, He calls himself Ebuka but This doesn’t change the fact this dude is the 4th most influential student in Crawford University. A final year student of Economics, Moh is the Head of the Advocates (a Group on Campus). Together with Timothy, Moh has been responsible for quite a few spell bounding successful events in School over past months.

Moh is a smart man with a penchant for leadership aspirations and capabilities. Despite losing the Presidential Post in his department last year, Moh still commands respect within and beyond the confines of his department. His influence can largely be felt amongst his mates and within any radius of wherever he is. When he speaks, he gets the attention when He acts support is drummed for him.
Even with the infamous mantra of dictatorship and ruthless thirst for power labeled against him by some certain students, Moh still is the Most Influential Student in Crawford University after the next Top Three!!


Popularly known as Bolu Daniels, He is a final year student of Political Science and International Relations. He is the President of the Crawford Students Press Club as well as the Public Relations Officer for The Advocates. Bolu is a talented, hardworking bespectacled young man with a cool physiognomy. Studying Political Science and International Relations at the final level.

Bolu is an active and extremely passionate Journalist. His Journalism exploits spreads across mainstream media platforms where he corresponds for Radio Stations and Magazines as well as Newspapers and several online news websites.
Bolu is a chatty dude with an uncanny desire of correcting grammatical errors of people around him. This according to him is an Obsessive Compulsive Desire (OCD) which he believes cannot be separated from him in this lifetime.
Bolu Daniels is a not-so-cool-at-a-first-glance guy but has been informally described to be quite affable.
With the reins of CSPC being held by him, Bolu has successfully influenced Crawford University’s continued participation and relevance in inter-varsity relationship, communication and integration.
And Yes of course, Bolu is happily not single!!!!

2. JOSEPH ABOH (@Capt._Joe)

He is Joseph Aboh! He is the Number One student in Crawford University! He is the Students Representative Council’s Chairman! He is the President of NACOSS! He is nicknamed Captain Joe and he is the second most influential Student in Crawford University for the 2016/2017 session.
 Joseph is a final year student of Computer Science and is the Number one student in Crawford University.
His leadership abilities coupled with his influence largely buttressed his eventual emergence as NACOSS President and SRC Chairman. Armed with a cute smile and majestic walking step, Joseph commands respect anywhere he goes!

He is a smart, brilliant and resourceful individual who is well versed in knowledge. He knows just a little bit about everything and knows everything about Computer (we are joking right)?
For the Ladies, Joseph is taken and happily happy where he currently is!!! Thank You


The most influential student Doyin doesn’t need an introduction at all. All Crawford Students know him so well!! He is the President of NAPSS; the Deputy-Chairman of the SRC as well as being the Number 2 Student on campus. His trade mark being his height, Doyin is a very down-to-earth person with specific reference to his length!!
Charming, handsome, smart, Dashing and extremely affable; Doyin is the next big thing on campus right now. This o doubt is a great reflection of his charisma, leadership abilities, tenacious drive, name it!! He is an epitome of Dexterous Diversity. Campus Politics, He is there! Campus Journalism, He is there! Campus Student Leadership, He is present and ever active!!

Doyin is a Ladies Man on Campus but sadly for the Ladies, He is happily hooked with his sweetheart!!

We call him NIYOD, DOSZ, DOYIN etc but he preferred to be called the CEO of DOSZ Wears!!!

There you have it: The Top 10 Most Influential Students On Campus in Crawford University.
Compiled by Crawford Students Press Club
Instagram Handle: @Officialcspc.


  1. first off, not everyone here is actually influential, most of them are, being influential is more than being famous abeg, not everyone on this list would talk and people will actually shush talk of listen or even act as supposed to after listening to an "influential individual". the list is alright tho. not just a 100.


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