Ugochukwu Evans is the new President of NABAMS in Crawford University. In this exclusive interview with the Crawford Students Press Club, He speaks to Mejire Ogaga about his ascension to the Position of President and his plans for the incoming academic session as regards NABAMS students.

Q. Kindly introduce yourself?

My name is Evans Ugochukwu and I am the President of the National Association of Business Administration and Management Students (NABAMS). Just so you know NABAMS is the home to the most creative and innovative individuals in Crawford University.

Q. The immediate past president handed over to you at the end of last semester. As the new President of NABAMS, can you elaborate on the success of the last President’s administration?

Basically, there were two milestones recorded in the last administration. One was the introduction of a scheme that helped students who were lagging academically, i.e. the average and below average students. He was particular about academic performances and it paid out as most of the affected students improved greatly.

The second was the idea of a departmental magazine which was conceived by me. The process of publishing it was initiated; however, it would be officially launched during my tenure. We aim to preach (literarily) the gospel of NABAMS to CRU and beyond.

Q. Before the elections, it was a perceived race for the Presidential Position between You and Jide George. However, you contested unopposed eventually. Can you tell us exactly what happened?

Yeah that is true, we were supposed to contest against each other for the post. However, based on the relationship that exists between us (He is my very good friend), he opted out for me to contest. He wanted the best for the department and he believes that I can bring that to fruition. I am happy for what his selflessness and that’s why he remains a very good friend of mine.

Q. I must confess that before your election, I have always had this impression of you to be a very charismatic leader as it is evident in your department. So, tell me, what’s the feeling like when you got elected eventually?

Thank you for that question. You see, I have always been grateful to God for the gift of leadership as I have held important positions throughout my days in secondary school.  It is a very nice feeling when you see that what you are capable of doing is being thrust at you on a formidable platform. I am a person with great leadership capabilities and I am thrilled that the mantle of leading has been handed over to me on the platform of NABAMS. It is a great feeling, I must confess and my performance at the end of the tenure (I want to believe) would be commendable. Then I can be able to raise my head high and assert that I am proud of myself.

Q. Give us a sneak peek into your persona. I mean more that the surface details that we know already?
Evans is a dogged self reliant and very confident individual. I love fashion especially the creative aspect of it. I am quite smart so meeting and networking with fellow smart people is something I look forward to as well. I am a great sucker for books, especially the ones on Astronomy, Religion, Logic, History and Law. I am a very open minded person.

Q. Wow, that’s great to know. Now as the new President, you have plans for NABAM. What are your plans for next session?

Like I said earlier, I am about creativity and networking so I am going to introduce that into NABAMS. I intend to change the status quo or rather the existing order. I also said earlier something about the launching of a magazine for NABAMS; that also would be actualized during my tenure. I would strive to introduce more social activities to push up the social activism of NABAMS as a whole, although I am going to keep that a secret for now.

Q. The social life of NABAMS has always been top notch as far as I am concerned. However, what about the academic performance of NABAMS students, any plans as concerns that?

If you will agree with me, the problem with Crawford university students is not in academic areas alone. It evolves round other causative factors although  the most prominent is the academics. However, I am a strong preacher of Balance and to that effect I am going to ensure that a balance is reached between academic excellence and social improvements for NABAMS members.

Q. How do you intend to actualize this?

How will I achieve this? Definitely, I would continue with the system that Agagu introduced last session, the system that worked positively. However I personally believe in the concept of VARIETY.

Q. What do you mean by the concept of Variety?

For example in this case, networking with Business Administration students in UNILAG! We would exchange ideas; foster relationships, have academic meetings, seminars, conferences together and so on. For me, I believe in the motion that symposiums help in self actualization in life and it is based on that belief that I would channel the flow of our interactions with students in other institutions (UNILAG for example).

Q. With all these plans that you have outlined, I must say that NABAMS students must really be thrilled to have you as their President?

Obviously you are flattering me, but all the same they should be happy and feel lucky because all I have to offer is nothing but spectacular. If you know me as a person, then you would know that I don’t just talk, I act!

Q. Good to know! Who is your first Lady, as per you being a President?

* Laughs *
With time, people would know.

Q. In the next 10 years, tell us what to expect from or hear about Evans?

 In the next 10 years, I would be the richest Man in Africa (Mark my words! I would be the highest employer of Labour! As such I would reduce the poverty level in Nigeria as a lover of Humanity and as a patriotic Nigerian.

Q. Finally, what do you have to say to Crawford University students as a whole?

Let me say this on behalf of the Students Representative Council (SRC), we would give Crawford students the best of leadership they haven’t had in a long time. We would listen to their demands and also act promptly to their yearnings.
Also to the Press Club, thank you for giving me a platform to express myself extensively. I am happy that the Press Club is doing this for the first time in the history of the school and we from the SRC would ensure that we give our utmost support to the Club in ways we can.

God bless us all.


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