UNBEATABLE! GEORGE -Current Best basketballer On campus
Meet the Current Best Basket-baller in Crawford university -GEORGE ARIKIBE
This guy is currently the best on campus, He's one of the representative that showed up in the recent game between CRU & CU that took place in covenant university ota.
Reports from the game reveals that George's performance was outstanding amongst his colleagues.
along with his recent form during training on the court. In one word, He plays professional basketball. check out his profile below,
This guy is currently the best on campus, He's one of the representative that showed up in the recent game between CRU & CU that took place in covenant university ota.
Reports from the game reveals that George's performance was outstanding amongst his colleagues.
along with his recent form during training on the court. In one word, He plays professional basketball. check out his profile below,
Nick name: Geezy
Department: Accounting
Best friend: Non
Girl friend: Sonia
Best sport: Basketball
Favorite player: Kevin Durant
Faovrite club: Miami Heats
Twitter handle: George_ariks
Facebook Name: George Arikibe
Best chawl: Spaghetti and plantain
Dress combo: Cooperate (white and black)
CRU Crush: Non
Designers: wrist watches- Hublot
Phones - iPhones
Shirts - Holster & Van Heusen
foot kit - Air Jordan (Nike)
Impressive profile