Good day everybody. Meet one of Crawford finest girls. Yes, I mean very fine! Fadeyi Eniola Deborah, a 400l accounting student. She was born July 23rd.If you are having a crush on her or you ever had, you can get to know her more through this interview. Q: Good evening can we meet you? A: Hi. I'm Fadeyi Eniola Deborah. A 400 level Accounting student Q: Wow, it's nice meeting you. Could you tell us more about yourself? A: There's nothing really to know. I'm a very jovial person and tend to make friends easily. I play and eat too much too Q: Lol. You're obviously a foodie. What are your hobbies? A: Lol. I love meeting people (sometimes), watching movies, reading novels and sleeping Q: Reading novels? What of accounting books? A: Lol. I read them only when necessary don't let me lie Q: Lol. Very truthful individual. What are your likes and dislikes? A: I like food and I like straight forward people. I dislike pretenders and bullshit ...