CRAWFORD UNIVERSITY GOES ON 10-DAY HOLIDAY…TO RESUME 29TH MARCH As part of its academic calendar for the current academic session, Crawford University has embarked on a 10-day holiday to celebrate the Easter break as students, staff and the members of the academic community alike were released from academic activities on Friday 18th March to go and celebrate the holidays. This was coming on the heels of the recently concluded Harmattan semester’s examinations which were rounded up on Saturday 5th March. The Rain semester commenced immediately after the examinations with the first week dedicated to courses registration for the students while the second week was a full commencement of lectures for the students. The academic community is to resume for activities on Tuesday, 29th March: of which the academic activities would continue. There is a new form of sanction attached to late resumption by students. Students who resume later than the expected date are to pay a stip...