On Saturday, 12th December 2015, The Penultimate Year Students of Crawford University under the aegis of a group called THE ADVOCATES, held an extra-curricular event for the students. The event, which was mainly held on the school’s main soccer field, featured different types of activities which were fully participated in by the penultimate year students and other students of the institution. Activities like relay races, a marathon race, tugs of war, drinking competition amongst others were fully organized and students from different departments, and colleges participated in these activities. The purpose of this event according to the Coordinator of the event, Moh-Ebuka (Economics Dept), was to harmonize the penultimate year students and inculcate into them, a sense of collective belonging and a spirit of mutual love for each other. This, in the long run, after four years in the school, would lead the students to a point of self actualization which would generate a fulfilling feeling ...